
After the enjoyable Mustang 60 Years event at Brooklands on Saturday it was off to the always interesting Bicester Heritage event at the RAF Bicester site for the April Scramble. The weather was bright and sunny if a little chilly, however no rain is always a bonus!

You can find some information about Bicester Heritage in the January Scramble Post.

As always there was a huge selection of vehicles for all tastes along with open access to most of the onsite businesses.

There was a good turn out of American vehicles ranging from Model T speedsters to Oldsmobile sleds.

The 1958 Oldsmobile is immaculate and for sale, the note on the car states “expensive” 🙂

A number of tidy Corvettes

Chevy Surfwagon complete with patina,

Mustangs well represented as usual, still the most popular Yank.

A smattering of Rods

Absolutely tremendous Austin Atlantic, might have been a commercial failure but still has style.

Here’s the best of the rest on the American front.